A lesson learned in life


I've been trying to summarize my thoughts about the education I got as kid for more than a week now, and I have to say, that my teachers weren't motivated at all. I wouldn't call them lazy, it was just the personality they had. I did not see them being passionate about their subject at all. The lack of social and financial respect of teachers was already a problem back then, like nowadays, but it doesn't mean that you can't find joy in teaching. I mean, as a teacher myself I had to take part time jobs to make ends meet, which can be at the expense of teaching in the classroom, like being exhausted to do all the things I've planned, but I still feel responsible for my students, to see them succeed. And one way of that is having fun moments in the classroom and being connected to your students. I don't have a memory about practicing small talks, or everyday conversation topics during lessons, to feel confident. Not even classroom games. And I'm not saying that I make all my lessons interactive and entertaining, but for God's sake, at least when your topic comes to a revision: make them use what they have learnt and try to make it a bit interesting somehow. When I had to learn English in high school, our teacher was always demanding us, to learn conversation topics word by word, even if it was personal. So when I had to talk about my family, my parents were divorced, I had two older sisters, and I was a ginger. A very entertaining way to communicate in a foreign language... And of course, if I made a mistake grammatically, or told a different story, I got a bad mark. So I didn't feel comfortable learning English until my parents hired a private tutor to help me pass the language exam. From this point everything has changed. He was the total opposite of the grumpy middle aged lady, who taught me at school. He spent around 20 years in Florida, he was cool, and passionate. He spent about 20 years in Florida, he was cool and passionate about what he does. Every time we spoke, I wanted to be like him, because he made the impression of an interesting and informed person, who has style. So whenever I make an effort to improve my English, or to give a great lesson to my students, I do it because with time, I want to be something like him. 

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Minden jog fenntartva 2022
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