Developing writing skills. Is it possible online?


Even after a long search, it was very difficult to find sites specifically dedicated to writing skills, so instead of two, I will talk about several websites. The first is my all time favourite, . Among the many topics it covers is writing, although the pattern is the usual one. Gap filling, multiple choice, etc. The problem is that it's not interactive enough, a site that deals conventionally with worksheets may not be entirely fit for purpose. The 5 minutes of English is a different story. It provides you with sample letters, useful tips and a glossary, but here there are no fillable worksheets, just samples and instructions. The British Council site is a combination of both. It offers interactive reading comprehension exercises, sample letters and downloadable worksheets. These make the grammarly app a bit more interesting, if we abstract from the online pages. Unfortunately I used it years ago and it is paid, so I haven't downloaded it again to refresh my memory. The typed text is rewritten by an artificial intelligence, offering different options to avoid word repetition. It can also reshape the mood of the letter, depending on whether you are writing a formal or informal letter, or simply help you make the text you type clear and straight forward. The downside, however, is that it is doubtful whether the user will improve or simply become lazy.<br><br>

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