A good idea stuck in development 


I discovered this page when I first had private students on a pre-intermediate level. I didn't have any material for listening on that level, so I had to find a quick solution. The site also has options for grammar, reading, vocabulary, phrasal verbs, pronunciation exercises and even some simple games, but now I focus on the listening option. It's nicely separated to different levels from beginner to advanced, plus business English. I have to say it's been built up nicely. You have a player for the audio file which has been recorded with native speakers (Or at least they sound like native.) and the topics are very life like. I would rather recommend them from the upper class, because recipes, work and personal life based conversation could be boring for young learners. Every topic has a true or false exercise, and for second, you have a more extended exercise for the same audio, where you have to fill in gaps in a text, or choose the right answers for the questions. By clicking mark answers the page evaluates them in a pop-up window and also corrects them for the right answers if you make a mistake. If you are still not sure about what went wrong, you can read the transcript of the audio. The only problem is, that there are only three pages to choose from at all levels, so my feeling here is that the whole development of the site has stuck after a while. Maybe it's because the lack of motivation or money issues or both of them. I have checked their youtube channel, and they haven't uploaded anything since 2016. The layout of the website is also reminds me to the early 2000's. It does its job, but not very eye catching at all. If you teach a class or a student for a longer period, you will soon run out of exercises. Which is a pity, because the few they have turned out to be useful. At least for me. 

Dankó Zsolt
Minden jog fenntartva 2022
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