Fun Easy Learn Danish


From the start, fun easy learn was a pleasant surprise for me. The most critical part of learning a language in primary school is learning to pronounce and spell words correctly. It can be particularly difficult for young learners to remember the difference between writing and pronunciation, since in Hungarian almost all words are written the way they are pronounced. This process is perfectly done by the app. Starting with the fact that the words themselves are heard from a live, native speaker, not from an ai generated voice. What's interesting is that the application varies the insertion, pairing and self-written tasks so well with the words of the topic that students can get tired of it much later than during the same block of a lesson, when they have to solve tasks on paper. The app also allows you to learn phrases and sentences for everyday conversation using the methods already mentioned. I can't really name a weakness. The app is available in several languages, so you can learn not Danish, but English, German, French, Hungarian, so most of the known languages. It fully does the job it was designed for. I would also like to see grammar exercises as a feature, with associated explanations, so that it can be used not only as a supplement but also as a main tool for language learning.

Dankó Zsolt
Minden jog fenntartva 2022
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