Google Classroom


I first encountered google classroom when we were forced into the online space with the school during the first wave of Covid. I quickly got used to the interface, but it took some time for my students and their parents to get used to it. I often got blank assignments back, or they would call me several times because they couldn't find an assignment or couldn't open an attached file or link that worked for others. This shows that it is useless to have a good application if the digital literacy of a society is not at a level where everyone can use it. For me, the most pleasant feature was that I could post tasks on a timed basis, so I could even work ahead, which made the current topic transparent. It's also much more useful for evaluation, as I don't have to keep track of my students' assignments, they can be retrieved at any time from the uploaded assignments. It's also useful from a teaching point of view, as it creates a collection that I can use in another class at any time. The only thing I miss is the transparency of the interface, it would help a lot if it were easier to break down the course material into topics, so that students could see their progress better.

Dankó Zsolt
Minden jog fenntartva 2022
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