Interactive whiteboard materials


Finally, one thing I have not mentioned so far is the interactive materials of student's books. All the tools I have mentioned so far have been used as supplementary material, so it is time to talk about the tool I use most often. I have been teaching for almost 8 years and so far I have found the MM publications materials the most useful. The children can practically see their textbook projected on the board, but it provides much more than the correct solutions of the tasks. All the stories come to life in animated form, and when listening to the dialogues and texts, the sentences are highlighted. For each topic, there are 3 different games in which children can compete against each other in 2 groups, so they can practise the material before taking the test. Another useful feature is that each unit comes with a video lesson where a native speaker summarises what the children have learned so far, with various short exercises and simple questions/instructions.

Dankó Zsolt
Minden jog fenntartva 2022
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